Title | Description | Department | Internal Webpage URL | External URL | File |
Summer Experience for Teens |
Workshops are open to all teens entering grades 6-12. Registration is required as space is limited. |
Library | External website about the Summer Experience for Teens. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Syringe Exchange Program |
Tuesday- 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Thursday – 1:00 pm-5:30 pm
Anonymous ** Confidential ** No Appointment Needed |
Family Planning | |||
T-Ball for Ages 4-8 |
Spring (April-May) on Mondays and/or Thursdays.
Parks & Recreation | |||
Tax Reminders |
Sign up to receive email or text notifications for when taxes are due. Available for mobile home, property, and real estate tax types. |
Tax | Web page about the Tax Reminders. | ||
Tech Connect |
ImagineIF Libraries is excited to offer Tech Connect, another great solution to help meet your needs for free access to information. You can check out a Wi-Fi Hotspot to connect to the internet wherever there is cellular service. Kits containing an iPad and a Wi-Fi Hotspot are also available for checkout. Call or stop into any ImagineIF location to place a hold on a device. |
Library | External website about the Tech Connect. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Teen Clinic |
Teen Clinic every Monday from 3:00-5:00 PM and is for guys and girls 19 and younger. No appointment is necessary! What if I can’t come to Teen Clinic during Teen Clinic hours? Services
Family Planning | Web page about the Teen Clinic. | ||
Title Paperwork Status | Motor Vehicle | Web page about the Title Paperwork Status. | |||
Tobacco Use Prevention |
As a contractor of the Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program, Flathead City-County Health Department’s approach toward tobacco use prevention includes the following:
Population Health | Web page about the Tobacco Use Prevention. | ||
Traffic Radar Trailer |
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office has a trailer-mounted radar speed display that can be placed throughout the county for monitoring traffic speeds. The location of the trailer is based on the previous history of motor vehicle accidents, frequency of speeding citations, and requests from the public. Drivers approaching a speed radar trailer will see the posted speed limit displayed, as well as their speed as detected by the trailer. The trailer also records the total number of vehicles and their average speeds during the times it is monitoring traffic. The speed radar trailer aids in educating the public — especially the driver who may be unaware of exactly how fast they are going. The use of our speed radar trailer strengthens our efforts to reduce speeding through education. Please be aware that this service is for county roads and not privately maintained roads. |
Sheriff’s Office | External website about the Traffic Radar Trailer. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Transient Vendor |
Issued to persons selling wares at temporary locations within the County, but outside the City limits.
Food trucks operating outside of city limits: $25 per week. |
Accounting | |||
Travel Immunizations |
Meet with one of our travel nurses for a specialized travel consultation before you on your trip outside of the United States. Depending on your destination, you may need vaccinations to help protect you from food, waterborne, and insect-borne diseases that are common in certain countries. Some of the vaccinations provided include:
Please bring a copy of your travel itinerary to your appointment so that the nurse can help determine which vaccines you should receive. |
Immunize | Web page about the Travel Immunizations. | ||
Useful Links |
Weeds & Parks | |||
Veteran Directed Care Program |
The Veteran Directed Care Program (VDC) empowers Veterans to hire and supervise care providers (may be a family member) to help with daily needs. This program is a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs, who determines eligibility and establishes participant budgets. All VA enrolled veterans, regardless of age, are eligible if they meet the clinical need for the VDC program. Once approved by the VA, an Agency on Aging Care Coordinator will work with the Veteran to develop a self-directed plan of care and will provide ongoing support to manage the care plan. Call 406-758-2478 to learn more, or email: |
Agency on Aging | File about the Veteran Directed Care Program. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Volleyball for Grades 3-6 |
Kalispell: Daybreak Rotary
Parks & Recreation | |||
Voter Registration |
Registering to vote in Flathead County is simple and quick. You may:
For regular registration, your voter registration form must be postmarked or received by the Election Department at least 30 days before the election. For late registration (anytime after the close of regular registration, until 12:00 noon the day before Election Day), you must appear in person at the Election Department up to and including election day, fill out a voter registration card, and vote a ballot that you receive from the election office staff. |
Election | Web page about the Voter Registration. | File about the Voter Registration. Opens in a new tab. | |
Warrants List |
This information is provided as a service and is not considered official court record. This site lists the current outstanding warrants in Flathead County, Montana. If you have information regarding someone with a felony warrant please call (406) 752-TIPS or your local law enforcement agency. The information on this website is considered public record. The photographs on this website are informational only, and are posted in order to secure public assistance in apprehending suspected felons (44-5-103(13) (f) M.C.A.). |
Sheriff’s Office | External website about the Warrants List. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Weekly Communicable Disease Report |
This report provides the weekly report of communicable diseases in Flathead County. |
Population Health | Web page about the Weekly Communicable Disease Report. | ||
Whitefish |
Mountain Climber | |||
The WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation) program was created to help women understand and reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke by providing services to promote heart-healthy lifestyles. |
Population Health | Web page about the WISEWOMAN. | ||
Working Cat Program |
To help curb the number of feral cats and kittens in the county, FCAS will examine and sterilize outdoor, feral cats caught by the Flathead Valley community. There is no charge for this service, and every cat will receive the following:
Unwanted feral cats can also be rehomed to welcoming barns or shops, as long as there is an available working home. |
Animal Shelter |
Page Last Updated: Dec 15, 2022