Learn More:
STI Testing and Treatment
- Chlamydia (rapid test available)
- Gonorrhea (rapid test available)
- Herpes
- HPV and genital warts
- Syphilis (rapid test available)
- Trichomoniasis
- Hepatitis B and C
- HIV/AIDS (rapid test available)
Infection Treatments
- Urinary tract infection (UTI)
- Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
- Yeast infection
Birth Control
- Emergency contraception (PlanB, Ella)
- Birth control pills
- Nuvaring
- Intrauterine devices (IUD)
- Nexplanon
- Depo-Provera shot
- Free condoms
- Pregnancy testing
- Options counseling
- Referrals
- Proof of pregnancy paperwork
- PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide pre-natal, adoption, or abortion care at Family Planning. This allows us to be neutral while patients control the discussion about their pregnancy decision.
Cancer Screening
- Cervical cancer screening
- Colposcopy
- Breast cancer screenings
- Mammogram orders
Men's Health
- Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
- In-office Viagra prescription
Clinic Hours
Monday: 9:00-5:00
Tuesday: 8:30-4:00
Wednesday: 8:30-4:30
Thursday: 9:00-5:30
Friday: 8:30-4:30
Closed Daily for Lunch:
M, W, F: 1:00 - 2:00
T, TH: 12:00 - 1:00
Teen Clinic
Teen Clinic every Monday from 3:00-5:00
Just Walk in! No appointment necessary!
Teen Clinic is for people 19 and younger!
Your Clinic
At Teen Clinic our policy of providing safe, confidential and non-judgmental services applies to everybody. We are here to answer your questions, give you options, and make sure that you are comfortable with your choices about sexual health. Services at Teen Clinic are free and your visit is confidential, meaning that we legally cannot tell anyone if, why, or when you were here. At Teen Clinic, we will listen to you with respect and we will work with you to make sure you are educated about your decisions. We are excited that you are taking the necessary steps to be a healthy young person!
Your Health
Staying healthy is important! If you’re thinking about becoming sexually active, or you already are, Teen Clinic can help you to make informed decisions about protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections and preventing unplanned pregnancy.
- Birth Control prescription and Free condoms
- STI Testing and Treatment
- Free education and sexual health counseling
- Free pregnancy testing, unbiased options counseling, and referrals
- Can I get on birth control without my parent’s permission?
Great question! Yes. In Montana, the law says that minors have the right to access sexual healthcare without the consent or notification of their parents. That means they can start a birth control method or get tested and treated for STIs without their parents being involved. In fact, it’s illegal for clinics to share sexual health information with parents (or anyone else!) without the patient’s permission.
That being said, it’s totally understandable if your parents are worried about you. That’s their job! Be sure to talk to them about your healthcare and choices when you are ready. Also, if you are being sexually abused by someone who is responsible for you (a parent, guardian, or other adult) we are responsible to help you.
- What is the first step after finding out you’re pregnant, but can’t talk to your parents?
Teen Clinic is here for you! We know it can be scary to learn you’re pregnant. The first step is to connect with someone you trust who will support you. Teen Clinic offers free, unbiased decision counseling to help you learn more about your options. You’re welcome to bring your support person with you. We’re also able to meet with your family or partner if you need help having this discussion. Whether you decide to pursue parenting, consider adoption, or end your pregnancy, Teen Clinic will give you a safe place to connect with the next step.
- Where should I go for birth control now that I’m too old and am no longer able to use the Teen Clinic?
Never fear —Family Planning is here! We offer services to all people regardless of their age, race, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex or gender. Birth control and STI-related services are available on a sliding scale. How much you pay depends on your income and household size.
Call 406-751-8150 to make an appointment. Thanks for taking care of your health, and call us with any questions!
- What if I can't come to Teen Clinic during Teen Clinic Hours?
No problem! Teen Clinic is only Monday afternoons. Teens can make an appointment to be seen Monday-Friday outside of Teen Clinic hours!
Family Planning carries most forms of reversible contraception. Our birth control is offered on a sliding fee scale or we can bill insurance. If you are not sure which method is right for you, make an appointment with us to discuss your options!
During clinic hours we offer free condoms at the front desk.
For more information about birth control options, visit www.bedsider.org!
Contraceptive Methods offered at Family Planning
Hormonal Methods
Depo Provera Shot
Oral contraceptives (Birth Control Pills)
Nuva Ring
Barrier Methods
External condom
Internal condom
Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
Hormonal IUD
Non-hormonal IUD
Nexplanon Implant
Emergency contraception— Also called “The Morning After Pill” or “Plan B”
Emergency contraception is NOT a regular method of birth control. Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) may be considered for any woman who has had unprotected intercourse or a failure in her birth control method within the last 120 hours, but the sooner it is taken the more effective it is likely to be. Family Planning offers Plan B One Step ECP over the counter for women and men of any age during all business hours on a walk-in basis. The cost is $20.00, but we will never turn someone away.
Flathead Family Planning is commitment to provide education in a safe, supportive, and empowering atmosphere. Our education brings a positive, experienced approach with lessons that are science-based, medically accurate, and age appropriate. We’re here for youth, schools, agencies, parents, guardians, adults, employers, and more. We’ll work with you to design a presentation to meet your particular needs. All presentations are free of charge!
Some of the common topics include:
- Pregnancy prevention and birth control education
- Sexually transmitted disease prevention and education
- Dealing with sexual pressure
- Consent and boundaries
- How to encourage young people to make healthy decisions about their bodies and future
- Puberty education
- How and when to talk to your children about issues related to sexuality and sexual health
- Sexually explicit materials and how they influence us
If you are interested in organizing a presentation or educational workshop with our health educator please call 406-751-8156.
Click here to visit the Harm Reduction page
Hours of Operation
Tuesday walk-in: 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Thursday walk-in: 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Call 406-751-8256 with any questions.
***Anonymous **** Confidential **** No Appointment Needed***
Sexual and Reproductive Health Web Links
Parent Web Links
- Kids Health for Parents
- Sex Ed for Parents
- Parents’ Sex Ed Center
- Talking with Kids about Tough Issues
- Puberty Resources
Puberty Videos
Q: I have adequate income and insurance, can I receive services from Family Planning?
A: Yes - Family Planning services are available to all people and accepts private insurance to help cover the costs of the visit. If a person does not have insurance, they will still be able to receive services and will be charged based on a sliding fee scale.
Q: Can the Clinicians prescribe medication?
A: Yes - Family Planning clinicians can prescribe medications and treat certain medical conditions; in fact, we carry much of the medication in our clinic which saves you a trip to the pharmacy!
Q: Do I need an appointment?
A: Yes - Please call the clinic at 406-751-8150 to schedule an appointment or schedule an appointment online, here.
Q: I'm not sexually active, do you have any services I can access?
A: Yes - We offer services like annual exams and testing and treatment for yeast infections and urinary tract infections. Some birth control options (like the pill) regulate periods so you can talk with a clinician about that too!
We have a Ryan White Case manager on staff to assist you with program enrollment. Please contact her for assistance.
Shanoa Nutt
For more information on the program, click here.
Family Planning now offers PrEP consult appointments, prescriptions, and medication directly from our office. If you are someone who is currently taking PrEP, or may benefit from taking PrEP, you can visit with one of our providers and leave the same day with your medication. No pharmacy, no hassle. Family Planning can provide this medication to anyone with, or without, insurance; for no more than $30 a month you can get prescribed PrEP today. Click here, to schedule an appointment online.
What is PrEP?
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is a medicine taken to prevent getting HIV. PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV when taken as prescribed.
- PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99%.
- PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from injection drug use by at least 74%.
PrEP is less effective when not taken as prescribed. Since PrEP only protects against HIV, condom use is still important for the protection against other STDs.
Who should take PrEP?
PrEP isn't right for everyone, however, there are several things that can increase a person's chance of contracting HIV. People who are HIV-negative but have an HIV-positive partner, people who have multiple sex partners and/or do not regularly use condoms, and people who use injection drugs and may be sharing materials are all at increased risk of contracting HIV and may be a candidate for PrEP.
For additional information on PrEP and HIV, visit the CDC's website. click here to learn more.
3rd Floor
Kalispell, MT 59901
1035 1st Ave West
3rd Floor
Kalispell, MT 59901
Contact Info
+1 (406) 751-8150
+1 (855) 931-9091