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Roads & Bridges


Effective Immediately the bridge that carries Bridge Street over the Swan River is closed to all traffic for safety reasons. Please find an alternative route.

Concerns can be addressed by calling MT DOT Public Relations at 406-207-4484 


       APRIL 1st - SEPTEMBER 27th 2024

        MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM


Summertime is here. Road projects we are working on involve the Dust Cost Share Program, Crack Seal, Chip Seal, Pavement Overlay, Road Maintenace. Thank you for being mindful of our employees while you are traveling and always, please drive safe


Flathead County Road and Bridge Department is a department within the county government that is under the direct control of the Flathead County Board of County Commissioners.

The Road and Bridge Department is divided into the following three sub-departments. Included in these paragraphs are a brief overview of the department and its responsibilities.

The geographical range of county roads and bridges is:

  • Northern edge: North Fork to the Canadian border
  • Eastern edge: Essex to Ferndale to Bigfork
  • Southern edge: Bigfork to Lakeside to Nirada to Thompson River
  • Western edge: Thompson river to Pleasant Valley to Olney

Road Department

Maintenance operations consist of snow plowing in the winter months, general road maintenance, and major construction projects in the non-winter months. Monitoring traffic safety is a major concern. Some of the other areas of responsibility are encroachments for utility installations, approach encroachments, road reviews for subdivisions, etc.

Bridge Department

Maintains approximately one hundred (100) bridges and approximately seven hundred (700) culverts, cattle passes, and cattle guards. They install and maintain all guardrails. There are several dikes within Flathead County, which they are required to maintain.

County Shop

The shop maintains approximately two hundred and ninety (290) county-owned vehicles and pieces of equipment which are operated by Road, Bridge, Shop, Sheriff, Commissioners, Animal Control, Mountain Climber, Health/Sanitation, Juvenile Detention, County Attorney, and the Disaster and Emergency Services Departments. All aspects of vehicle maintenance and repairs are performed.

Page Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024