The Board of Directors and the employees of the Flathead County Solid Waste District provides environmentally sound and cost-effective refuse collection, disposal and recycling opportunities for Flathead County residents and businesses. Our facilities are a major part of the economic and environmental infrastructure of Flathead County. Long range planning and fiscal integrity ensures decades of capacity with minimal financial impacts to Flathead County citizens.
Percentage of Total Waste Disposed Fiscal Year 2022
Solid Waste Data
Total tonnage disposed of at the Flathead County landfill between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 was 154,950 tons.
In FY22, 93,813 tons of mixed waste was landfilled, of which 52% was disposed of by commercial haulers, 12% by municipal haulers, 7% by private citizens and 29% hauled by Flathead County Solid Waste Department (FCSW) from the container sites.
Household Recycling
Household recycling is available for cardboard, newspaper & aluminum cans, and are provided at
- The Landfill
- Bigfork
- Columbia Falls
- Creston
- Lakeside
- Somers Container Sites
Please be sure cardboard is flattened and cut down to 40 inches or less.
Kalispell recycling locations are provided by Valley Recycling at their facility.
Dedicated cardboard compacting units have been installed at the Landfill, Bigfork, Columbia Falls, Creston, Lakeside and Somers container sites.
Items accepted at the Landfill Site
- Refuse
- Construction Debris
- Appliances
- Used Motor Oil (household only, no commercial)
- Automotive and Alkaline Batteries
- Brush and Yard Waste
As a service to County residents we also retrieve junk vehicles.
FCSW holds a Household Hazardous Waste Collection day on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Click on Documents for a sign-up form or call for for more information.
FCSW offers free pick up and removal of Junk Vehicles within Flathead County. "If you own a vehicle that is unlicensed, inoperative, discarded, dismantled or wrecked ~ State law requires that you remove it from your property, or if you have three vehicles or more, conceal them from public view."
Click on Documents for a junk vehicle release form or call for more information.
The University of Montana's Flathead Lake Bio Station has received a $6.6 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to fight pesticide pollution. Read more...
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Kalispell, MT 59901
4098 Highway 93 North
Kalispell, MT 59901
Contact Info
+1 (406) 758-5910
Email Us
+1 (406) 758-5918
see link below for specifics
- New Year's day
- Memorial day
- July 4th
- Labor day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas day