About Moat:
Montana has formed the Montana Opioid Abatement Trust (MOAT) to receive national opioid settlement funds. The MOAT funds are to be dedicated to reducing the harm caused by opioid misuse and addiction through prevention, treatment, and recovery initiatives and are allocated on a formula basis to abatement regions.
Upcoming Meeting
The upcoming Flathead County Metro Abatement Region (MOAT) meeting is on March 12th, 2025 from 3:30-5pm at the 1035 1st Ave W, Kalispell MT.
Upcoming Meeting Agenda and Board Packet:
Register to Attend the Upcoming Flathead County Metro Abatement Region (MOAT) Meeting:
Submit Written Public Comment:
Bylaws of The Flathead County Metro Abatement Region
Governance Committee
I. Purpose
- The Flathead County Metro Abatement Region is established to address opioid issues in Flathead County and the City of Kalispell by overseeing the distribution of funds received from the Montana Opioid Abatement Trust Fund. These funds are to be used with the aim to reduce the harm caused by opioid misuse and addiction through prevention, treatment, and recovery initiatives.
II. Goals of the Committee
- Prioritize funding initiatives that have direct local impact with long term benefit for the community, in turn saving local resources.
- Prevent and reduce opioid use through public education, preference given to initiatives aimed towards educating the youth.
- Address gaps in services and strengthen resources available for opioid overdose prevention and support services for treatment and recovery.
- Strengthen resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery services to address opioid-related crime and incarcerated populations.
III. Membership
- Membership of the Flathead County Metro Abatement Region Governance Committee is determined by MOU between Flathead County and the City of Kalispell. Initial members of the 7-person committee consist of:
- Director Flathead City-County Health Department or his/her designee (Chair)
- Kalispell Chief of Police or his/her designee
- Kalispell City Attorney or his/her designee
- Flathead County Finance Director
- 3 at large members appointed by County Commissioners in which one at large member shall have a background in health services
- Terms of appointed members shall be staggered and shall be for two (2) years, with the possibility of unrestricted renewal, by the representatives of each of the above-named city, county, and local agencies.
- Committee chair shall serve one (1) year term with responsibility for planning and facilitating meetings, completing meeting minutes, and acting as liaison to the State Trust and MOAT Advisory Committee.
- In the absence of the chair from a meeting, the chair shall select a vice-chair to run the meeting.
IV. Governance and Meetings
- The Flathead County Metro Abatement Region Governance Committee procedures shall follow Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.
- The Flathead County Metro Abatement Region Governance Committee shall meet quarterly. Additional meetings may be called by agreement of four or more members with proper public notice given.
- A quorum for both regular and special meetings shall constitute a simple majority of the eligible voting members being present, either in person or electronically. That number being four (4) or greater.
V. Funding Request and Approval
- To be eligible for review, proposals must be received at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date.
- Applicants selected by the committee will be encouraged to give a presentation on proposals.
- A majority yes vote of members present, either in person or electronically, constitutes approval of applications for funding. Approved applications shall be sent for final funding authority to the State MOAT Designee by the chairperson within ten (10) business days of Committee approval.
- Any member who represents an organization, agency, program, or otherwise, that is applying for State opioid funds, shall voluntarily abstain from voting.
VI. Meeting Methods and Schedule
- Committee meetings may be held in person, by telephone or by electronic means and members may appear and vote in person, by telephone, or electronic means.
- Generally, quarterly meetings shall be held the month before the State MOAT’s Advisory Committee quarterly grant review meetings.
VII. Public Meetings
- The meetings of the committee shall be open to the public and advertised by the State MOAT website fifteen (15) days prior to said meeting date and time.
- Selected application proposal presentations will be added to the agenda.
a. Committee members will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue with applicants.
- Public Comments that are not listed on the agenda will be limited to two (2) minutes. b. There will be no dialogue between the committee members and the public on comments that are not listed on the agenda.
- Any committee member may call for executive session and the committee will enter into executive session by a majority vote. Executive sessions are confidential. Examples of appropriate items for executive sessions include, but are not limited to, consulting with MOAT staff regarding appropriate use of MOAT funds, consulting legal counsel, addressing committee procedural issues/questions, and addressing committee member adherence to bylaws.
- VIII. Amendments
- The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by majority vote or may be amended to reflect changes to the MOU between Flathead County and the City of Kalispell.
Funding Opportunity
Please click below to visit the Montana Opioid Abatement Trust (MOAT) Grant Application Portal.