The Flathead County Attorney is an elected position of 4 years and is a full-time position because of the population of Flathead County. The County Attorney is the top law enforcement official for Flathead County. By law, the County Attorney is the legal adviser to the Board of County Commissioners, all elected officials of Flathead County, Fire Districts, Weed Districts, FVCC and School Districts.
As a full-time County Attorney, the law prohibits him from engaging in the private practice of law as well as providing legal advice to the general public.
The County Attorney is the Public Prosecutor and prosecutes all felonies in Flathead County, as well as other misdemeanor crimes which occur in the county and outside the City jurisdictions. The County Attorney's office works with all law enforcement agencies in Flathead County including Kalispell City Police, Columbia Falls City Police, Whitefish City Police, Flathead County Sheriff's Office, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Gross Vehicle Weight Division, Animal Control, Montana Highway Patrol, as well as other State investigative agencies in the prosecution of crimes against the State of Montana. The County Attorney provides services to DPHHS in the protection of abused children. He provides services relative to guardianships or conservatorships for indigent individuals.
Kalispell, MT 59901
820 South Main
Kalispell, MT 59901
Contact Info
+1 (406) 758-5630
Email Us
+1 (406) 758-5642
Travis Ahner, County Attorney
Sheri Houser, Office Administrator:
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.