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Thank You!

It has been a challenging week in the Flathead: Frigid temperatures and blowing snow with two intense storms back-to-back. You've been asked to drive slowly (if at all), obey road closures, and keep the kids busy when school was closed. Flathead County's Road Department has reported very few abandoned cars, 911 Call Center said the call volume was lower than anticipated, the Mountain Climber was running full routes, and our Meals on Wheels were able to feed our elderly.

We know it hasn't been easy, and we want to give you a very sincere THANK YOU! We have more than 5,000 sq. miles, and over 100k people to care for. Our County Roads Department is working hard to clear the roads, as well as our cities and MDT crews. It may take a few days, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

For all of our new followers, welcome to the Flathead County Government page. Here you will find information about all of our services including Meals on Wheels and elderly services; transit; law enforcement; libraries; health; 4H; Fairgrounds for local activities and the fair; planning and zoning; sanitation; roads; parks; recreation; records; court; and jobs, to name a few. A full list of county services is posted on our website,

Again, thank you Flathead County, for making this past week a little easier for all of us.