Title | Description | Department | Internal Webpage URL | External URL | File |
Cybersecurity |
Cyber security involves protecting information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks. |
IT | |||
Monthly Financial Reports | Finance | ||||
Caregiver Support |
We are here to support family caregivers! We offer services such as respite through in-home care. Respite provides relief for the caregiver of an older person at home. We also offer information and assistance to caregivers; access to our resource lounge (appointments required), in which you and/or family members can view educational materials, including webinars, and meet with a trained professional for life care planning. Also visit our Caregiver Corner on our website for information on local support groups, Alzheimer's Association resources, caregiver stories, and more. Caregiver Corner | Flathead County, MT |
Agency on Aging | |||
Birth Certificates |
Clerk & Recorder | Web page about the Birth Certificates. | ||
Death Certificates |
Clerk & Recorder | Web page about the Death Certificates. | ||
Building Rental |
Rent a building in the fairgrounds |
Fairgrounds | Web page about the Building Rental. | ||
Title Paperwork Status | Motor Vehicle | Web page about the Title Paperwork Status. | |||
Approach Permit |
An Approach Permit is needed for any new driveway or upgrades to an existing approach onto a county roadway. |
Road and Bridge | |||
Encroachment Permit |
An Encroachment Permit is needed to work on the county road or to work within the County right-of-way. |
Road and Bridge | File about the Encroachment Permit. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Snow and Ice Removal |
From October 1st through March 31st, County roads are cleared of snow and ice. We DO NOT utilize a "Bare Pavement" removal process. |
Road and Bridge | Web page about the Snow and Ice Removal. | ||
Plant Identification |
In-office Identification – Anyone is welcome to bring a plant sample into our office for identification. Please bring in a full-plant sample that includes roots, stem, leaves, and flowers. In addition, you can bring in good-quality photos. MSU Schutter Diagnostic Lab – If a plant cannot be identified in our office by our available staff we do have the ability to submit your sample to MSU for identification by mail at no cost to you. In addition, anyone can submit a plant sample on their own. Check out this video. |
Weeds & Parks | |||
Useful Links |
Weeds & Parks | |||
Sprayer Rentals |
100-Gallon or 200-Gallon Skid Mounted Sprayer (100-Gallon sprayer is 32" W x 37" H x 72" L) $50 Daily Rental
$75 Weekend Rental
3 Gallon Backpack Sprayer $15 Two Day Rental |
Weeds & Parks | |||
Voter Registration |
Registering to vote in Flathead County is simple and quick. You may:
For regular registration, your voter registration form must be postmarked or received by the Election Department at least 30 days before the election. For late registration (anytime after the close of regular registration, until 12:00 noon the day before Election Day), you must appear in person at the Election Department up to and including election day, fill out a voter registration card, and vote a ballot that you receive from the election office staff. |
Election | Web page about the Voter Registration. | File about the Voter Registration. Opens in a new tab. | |
Absentee Voter Registration |
In order to receive an absentee ballot, a voter must apply through the Flathead County Election Department. A voter may request a ballot for just the upcoming current election by completing an Application for Absentee Ballot and receive ballots for all elections during the current calendar year. The application must be made by noon the day before the election. |
Election | Web page about the Absentee Voter Registration. | File about the Absentee Voter Registration. Opens in a new tab. | |
Local Emergency Planning Committee |
Emergency Management | Web page about the Local Emergency Planning Committee. | ||
Realty Transfer Certificate |
The Realty Transfer Certificate (RTC) has been revised and is vital in determining the current ownership of water rights. All Deeds recorded in Flathead County must be accompanied by the new properly executed RTC. Currently, the new form is available only at the following link on the Department of Revenue website. |
Clerk & Recorder | File about the Realty Transfer Certificate. Opens in a new tab. | ||
Animal Control |
The work of an animal shelter or "pound", a facility that houses or disposes of stray, lost, abandoned, or surrendered animals. |
Animal Shelter | |||
AIDS Testing | Family Planning | ||||
STI Testing & Treatment |
Family Planning |
Page Last Updated: Dec 15, 2022