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All County and 3rd Party Services involving Vehicle Services (County Treasurer Offices, MVD Express, AAA, etc.) will be CLOSED Thursday, 3/13 & Friday, 3/14.  Click Here for more information.


It is any substance that has the potential to injure people, pets or the environment through skin contact or ingestion. Hazardous waste is in your kitchen, basement, garage, shop or greenhouse.


Oil base paint, thinner, solvents, adhesives, stains, cleaners, furniture stripper, ammonia, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, poisons, fertilizers, tree sprays, fuel carburetor cleaner, flea powder, lye, turpentine . . .etc.

Many items like these can be taken for granted. But if they are not used properly as instructed on the label, or used completely, they have the potential to cause harm to you, your family, pets, neighbors and our drinking water.

The hazmat form is located here:    Flathead County Solid Waste - Downloads (


The landfill offers a FREE Household Hazardous Waste Collection every THIRD Saturday. Just fill out the registration form and mail or fax it back to us. We will make your appointment and send you a reminder.

The hazmat form is located here:    Flathead County Solid Waste - Downloads (


Hardened latex paint can be in the regular trash. If the paint is still liquid, add cat litter or sand or sawdust to it to absorb the moisture, then throw it away.


The landfill accepts used motor oil and antifreeze in plastic containers no larger than 5 gallons. You may bring it directly to the landfill during operating hours. There is no charge for disposal.


The landfill accepts FOUR passenger tires per year per household at no charge.  Charges for 5 or more passenger tires are:  $2.90 each/no rim, $4.00 each/with rim.    If you have a considerable quantity or large tractor tires to dispose of please call Enviro Tire - 406-755-7716


The Junk Vehicle Department will haul your unwanted junk vehicle away for free. Print out a Junk Vehicle Release Form, fill it out, sign it and mail it to the landfill. We’ll pick it up.

The JV release form is located here:    Flathead County Solid Waste - Downloads (


If you wish to dispose of compact fluorescent bulbs, you may recycle them through Home Depot, or they may also be placed in the regular trash.  Fluorescent tubes (long tubes) from residential use may also be placed in the regular trash. 

Fluorescent tubes from commercial use/buildings are not accepted at the landfill.  Please refer to the Business Hazardous Waste portion of the FAQ's for more information. 


Household appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers and water heaters are accepted at the landfill and placed in a seperate location in the metals pile.  Computers and televisions are placed in the regular trash. 


The Solid Waste District offers recycling of commodities used by households only (no business recycling allowed at the container sites or landfill). Household recycle items accepted are:

  • Cardboard
  • Mixed Paper
  • Aluminum cans.

Businesses can take their recycle items to Valley Recycling or Pacific Recycling.

A Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection Event is held at the landfill in May of every year. Pre-registration is required for this event and the pre-registration packet can be found in our “Documents” section on the main Solid Waste page. Please call the landfill office at 406-758-5910 to obtain the contact information for the event provider to complete registration. 

You may also contact the companies listed below for other commercial hazardous waste disposal:

Veolia Environmental     Phone #: (801)294-7111 (Main Office)

Clean Harbors     Phone #: (208)391-6923 or (800)737-3723 (Main Office)


Pill receptacles are provided at the following locations:

  • Flathead County Sheriff's Department
  • Columbia Falls Police Station
  • Whitefish Police Station.

Accepting Prescription medication (pill form only. No sharps or liquids.)


If you have medical waste products, please call the following companies for guidance:

  • MedPro: 888-641-6131
  • Sure Way Systems: 800-822-3929


The landfill and ALL container site are CLOSED on the following holidays: 

  • New Year's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas.

Normal operations resume the day following the holiday.


Page Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025