- The modify date of the Unpaid Taxes file indicates the status of the unpaid taxes as of the end of business on that day.
- Be aware that this file changes daily and can change significantly in the month of October.
- If a payment file is created before the first week in November, it may be returned for corrections as the data may change daily prior to that time.
- ALWAYS download the very latest Unpaid Taxes file prior to creating your payment file.
The file, 'All_current', contains the assessor numbers that were billed in the most recent tax year; and 'prior.dat' contains assessor numbers that are still outstanding in prior years.
The line below illustrates the format of the unpaid tax files:
Data Format: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbcccccccccccdddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffgh
The following are examples from 'All_current' file:
Example 1: 0000004 202200000068497000000684920000006849700000000000
Example 2: 0000005 202200000001345000000013420000000134500000001342
- The first 16 characters (the string of 'a') hold the assessor number. In the records above that would be 0000004 and 0000005
- The next 4 characters ('bbbb') indicate the year for the data displayed. Above, it is for year taxes in 2022.
- The next 11 characters (the string of 'c') show the amount billed* for the 1st installment.
- The next 11 characters (the string of 'd') show the amount billed* for the 2nd installment.
- The next 11 characters (the string of 'e') show the amount of the 1st installment that has been paid*.
- The next 11 characters (the string of 'f') show the amount of the 2nd installment that has been paid*.
- The next character (g) is used to indicate an Assignment Flag.
- The assignment flag has 4 possible values:
- Blank means no assignment exists
- “1” means only the 1st half was paid on assignment (and not the 2nd half)
- “2” means only the 2nd half was paid on assignment (and not the 1st half)
- “3” means that both halves were paid on assignment
- The assignment flag has 4 possible values:
- The final character (h) represents the Bankruptcy Flag.
- The bankruptcy flag has 2 possible values:
- “Y” if the parcel is marked as bankrupt for that year
- Blank means not bankrupt for that year.
- The bankruptcy flag has 2 possible values:
This is also explained in the PDF - 'FileLayout.pdf'.
*NOTE - In the amounts billed and paid, there are 2 positions of implied decimal places. This means that '00000068497' is $684.97 Please take this into consideration when dealing with this file.
We Have Moved!
As of Monday, April 18th, 2022, the Property Tax department has moved to the new Flathead County North Complex:
Flathead County Treasurer
290 A North Main
Kalispell MT 59901
Kalispell, MT 59901
290 A North Main
Kalispell, MT 59901