Fingerprinting and Background Checks
*By appointment only. Please contact us to schedule.
We provide fingerprinting and background services for teachers, employees, substitutes, and bus drivers within the school districts. If you would like an appointment, please contact us to set that up. We will send the results to the district you are applying in. The cost for employees is $33 and the cost for volunteers is $28.00. Some districts cover the cost and some require you to pay, please clarify if your district will be covering the cost. Please bring a valid drivers license or form of identification.
If you require your fingerprints to be completed for OPI and teacher certification, or other special services, please contact us to find out what you will need to bring.
Teacher Certificates
*No appointment necessary
Certificate renewal with renewal units:
Class 2 Certificates
(Bachelor's Level)-60 units required, 40 of them must be from university course work, 20 may be renewal units. (1 semester credit=15 renewal units; 1 quarter credit = 10 renewal units)
Class 1 Certificates
(Graduate Degrees)-60 units required, all may be from renewal units.
Renewal applications are available online at
New certificates or reciprocal applications should be directed to:
Office of Public Instruction
PO Box 202501
Helena, MT 59620-2501
(406) 444-3150
- Bring your original copy of the certificate
- We will put a seal on it, stamp it, and register it in our database.
- We keep a copy for our records and give you a copy to give to your district.