Montana Home School Information
The Montana Office of Public Instruction receives dozens of calls each year from people with questions about home schooling. Many of those calling request that OPI provide a summary of Montana law pertaining to home schooling. This document outlines key statutes regarding private/nonpublic/home schools in Montana. Attached to this document is the full text of statutes (Montana Code Annotated Chapter 20—MCA) and administrative rules (Administrative Rules of Montana—ARM Chapter 55, Sub-chapter 9) that may be of interest to those with questions about home schooling. The statutes that follow may also be found in the 2017 MCA and have been in effect for many years. This packet of information is not provided as a complete analysis of the issue, nor is it intended as legal advice.
Notification to Flathead County of Intent to Homeschool
An annual notice of intent to home school must be submitted.
*May be filled out online and emailed back
Home School Attendance Form
Here is a downloadable template available for you to keep records.
Federal Programs
School districts are required to notify non-public schools about their right to participate in programs that are funded by federal dollars. The Office of the County Superintendent serves as a liaison between school districts and non-public schools by providing information about the title programs thereby giving all schools an opportunity to participate in these programs.

Additional Resources for Homeschooling
Association of Nonpublic Schools of Montana
The Grapevine
Flathead Home Educators Association
Also on Facebook: Flathead Homeschool Support And Curriculum
For additional information, contact Andy Boehm, OPI Nonpublic School Specialist, 406-444-0375.
This is a link to some online high school programs.