Jury Service Online Questionnaire


If your name has been drawn for the up coming jury term, please complete this online questionnaire within 7 days.
Montana law §3-15-701 and §3-15-702 MCA requires that you respond to the notice.
If it says "District Court", you need to go here.
Juror Name and Juror ID must be entered EXACTLY as printed on the Jury Summons

Please enter a valid Juror Name
Please enter a valid Juror ID#

Jury duty is an important act of citizenship which should not be taken lightly. Justice's Court jury trials are usually concluded in one day. Prospective jurors will be notified by mail approximately 14 - 30 days prior to the date of the trial.

In order to be eligible to serve as a trial juror, you must be 18 years of age or older, a resident for at least 30 days of the County and State in which you are called for jury duty, a citizen of the United States and not convicted of malfeasance in office or any felony the sentence of which has not yet expired or the fine not yet paid.

The Court may excuse a person from jury service upon finding that it would cause undue hardship for the person, or the public served by the person. Examples of potential undue hardships include military service, move, college, long-planned vacation, employment out of state, residence out of state, or other unusual personal circumstance. If you believe that jury service will cause undue hardship, you may complete the Affidavit of Excuse for Jury Duty on-line when you complete your questionnaire, or you may also call (406) 758-5643 or send an email to: justicecourtjury@flathead.mt.gov to request a paper copy be mailed to you.

On behalf of the court, and the citizens of Flathead County, thank you for your conscientious citizenship.