The Montana Asthma Program (MAP) provides free services to help children, adults, and their families learn how to better manage asthma in their daily lives.
Call us for more info 406-751-8110
What We Do
Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.
Asthma can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes over time, it’s important that you work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust treatment as needed.
In Montana about 17,000 children (9.7%) are estimated to live with asthma and 1 in 3 of those children are estimated to have uncontrolled asthma. Uncontrolled asthma leads to an increase in missed days of the child from school or daycare, increase of hospitalizations, Emergency Room or Urgent Care visits, and an increase in parent’s missed days from work due to their child’s asthma.
To help children, adults, and their families learn how to better manage asthma in their daily lives by:
Filling in the education gaps
Teaching the child and adults to use their medications and inhalers properly
Assessing for triggers and allergens in the home and reducing them
Controlling asthma results in:
Decreased missed days from school
Decreased hospitalizations, Emergency Room visits, and Urgent Care visits
Decreased parent and adult work days missed
Reside (live) in Flathead County
Children and Adults
Have had at least 1 hospitalization, Emergency Room, or urgent Care visit in the last 12 months, OR
Have an Asthma Control Test score of less than 20
Individuals who do not meet the primary eligibility requirements may be referred into the program by a physician who feels the individual could still benefit from participation in MAP.
An Asthma Control Test (ACT) is a test of 5-7 questions, usually done in the Pediatrician’s or HealthCare Provider’s office, that shows how asthma has been affecting the child’s daily activities over the previous 4 weeks.
MAP provides:
6 Home Visit contacts over the course of a year with a Registered Nurse
Education about asthma and proper use of asthma medications
Home Assessment for environmental triggers and allergens, and ways to reduce them
Asthma friendly mattress and pillow covers for the child’s bed
HEPA grade air filter, if needed
Asthma triggers can be:
Animals (pets/rodents/pests)
Cigarette smoke (secon hand smoke)
Wood smoke
VOC’s- Volatile Organic Compounds (household chemicals)
Dust mites
Cold air
Air pollutants
Respiratory infections
Stress or strong emotions such as laughing or crying
1st Floor, Suite 110
Kalispell, MT 59901
1035 1st Ave West
1st Floor, Suite 110
Kalispell, MT 59901
Contact Info
+1 (406) 751-8110
Email Us
+1 (866) 380-1740