All candidacy filing documents are recorded and accessible as public record for Flathead County. There are two forms that candidates can complete dependent on the the type of candidacy that they file for.
Candidates that file during regular candidate filing periods appear on the ballot if the position goes to an election.
Write-In Candidates do not appear on the ballot, but can receive votes toward being elected to a filed position if their name (as properly filed) is written in on the ballot.
For candidate/write-in candidate filings, complete the appropriate Declaration of Nomination and Oath of Candidacy form provided in the section(s) below. These forms require notarization and must be filed within a certain timeframe.*
All candidacy forms are recorded by the Flathead County Election Office located at 290 N Main, Kalispell, MT 59901.
*The Flathead County Election office has notaries on staff that can be available to assist in filing candidacy forms. There is no notarization fee.
Special District Positions
Positions expire every year for Fire, Water and Sewer Districts across Flathead County and become open for candidacy and potential election.
All Candidate Filing for the 2025 Special District Elections closed at 5pm on Monday, March 3, 2025.
To file for an open Special District position, you must be:
- registered to vote as required by law
- 18 years of age or older
- a citizen of the United States
- resident of the district or owner of real property within the district (must provide proof of current payment of taxes for the property when filing)
If there are equal or less filings than the total amount of open positions for the district, the position will be appointed by acclamation.
If there are more filings than there are open positions for the district, the positions will be selected by election.
Click here to view expiring Water/Sewer District Positions.
Click here to view expiring Fire District Positions.
Click here to view the current list of candidate filings.
Filing Fees
All filing fees are due at the time of filing. Payments can be made by cash, check, or card to the Flathead County Election Office. Card Payments will have an added 3% fee.
Offices with an annual salary/stipend/compensation of $2,500 or less; Fee is $15.
Offices with an annual salary/stipend/compensation of more than $2,500; Fee is 1% of the total salary.
Offices where compensation is paid in fees; Fee is $10.
Offices with no annual salary/stipend/compensation; No fee is required.
Flathead County has three municipalities with elected positions; Columbia Falls, Kalispell, and Whitefish. Each Municipal governing body has positions that expire every four years in odd years and become open for candidacy and potential election.
Candidate filing for the opening municipal positions is NOT CURRENTLY OPEN.
Candidate filing for municipal position will open on Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 8AM. Candidate filing will close on Monday, June 16, 2025 at 5PM.
Within five (5) days of filing, candidates must file required campaign paperwork with the Commissioner of Political Practices.
Please visit the website for the Commissioner of Political Practices for requirements related to candidacy and campaigning prior to filing for a position. There may be additional requirements related to the filing process that are not regulated by the Flathead County Election office.
Below are the positions that will be eligible for candidate filing in 2025.