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New Burn Permit System for Flathead County


Contact: Jim Wardensky, 406-751-8130

New Burn Permit System for Flathead County

Outdoor burning remains the top cause of wildfires and wildland fire response in Flathead County. Beginning May 1, 2023, Flathead County will host the same fully supported Burn Permit and Notification Service used in 29 other counties across the state.

Burning is a convenient tool used to dispose of material generated during forest management activities that comes with both risk and responsibility. Burn permits are required when lighting a fire to consume natural vegetation.

Under the new system, burners will obtain permits valid for one calendar year, January 1 through December 31, except for July, August, and September when burning is prohibited. Additionally, burning is now allowed during the winter months when conditions are favorable.

The Burn Permit Notification Service allows close coordination across Flathead City-County Health Department, Fire Chiefs, and interagency Fire Managers and the ability to cease burning when ventilation is poor, or fire danger is elevated.

Find the burn permit system can be found on Flathead City-County Health Department (, Fire Safe Flathead ( ), or websites.

To keep this service at no cost to the public, applicants will receive one permit -- to be renewed annually – and will need to be activated each day they burn. The system will not allow permit holders to activate on days when ventilation or fire conditions are not favorable.

Permits are not required for recreational campfires measuring less than 48-inches in height and diameter.

Local assistance in obtaining a burn permit will be available at multiple locations:

Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) - 655 Timberwolf Parkway, Kalispell | Phone: 406-751-2240
DNRC Stillwater Unit - 7425 Highway 93 N, Olney, MT 59927 | Phone: 406-881-2371
Flathead City-County Health Department – 40 11th Street West, Suite 210 | Phone: 406-751-8130 (main phone)
Bigfork Fire Department – 10 Grand Drive, Bigfork MT 59911 | Phone: 406-837-4590

For more information on safe burning, go to