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District Court - Judges



Law and Motion:   

Dept A    Judge Eddy           Tuesday         8:30 - noon

Dept B    Judge Sullivan     Wednesday     9:00 - noon

Dept C    Judge Ulbricht     Wednesday    1:30 - 5:00

Dept D    Judge Wilson       Tuesday         1:30 - 5:00

Dept E     Judge Coffman    Wednesday    1:30 - 5:00

All hearings are set by District Court Judicial Assistants upon request with a proposed order or notice.

Child Support Payments for any case must be made payable to the payee and mailed to the Clerk of Court as follows:
Payee's name
c/o Clerk of Court
920 South Main, Ste 300
Kalispell MT 59901

Notary: Services are provided with appropriate photo identification. There is a charge of $1.00 per Notary seal.

Searches: Names can be searched by the Clerk of Court on all public matters: civil, criminal (felony), probate, and divorce records upon payment of the statutory search fee which is $2.00 per year, per name for seven years and $1.00 per year, per name each year thereafter. The charge for photocopies is $1.00 per page for the first ten pages and $.50 each thereafter. Certifications are an additional $2.00 per document. Copies of marriage licenses are $5.00 each.

Copies of decrees of dissolution are $10.00 each. Send your search request in detail (full names, dates, case type), identify the information needed (copies, certifications, etc) and a check or money order to cover cost of searches, copies, certifications, etc. and a check or money order to cover costs plus postage for return mail. You may send a blank signed check with a note in memo *Not to exceed $25.00*, or send a check in a certain amount and we will issue a refund check for any overage.

Genealogy Searches: Naturalization records up to 1980 are on file at this office. Marriage licenses, divorce, probate, and wills are on file from 1893 to present. (Records dated prior to 1893 are on file with Missoula County.) Birth and death records are available at the Clerk and Recorder.

Filing Pleadings: Civil, dissolution (divorce), probate, felony criminal, juvenile records and lower court appeals are public records. Confidential filings include abused and neglected children cases and adoption cases. All pleadings submitted for filing must be original.  No documents are accepted by facsimile or email.

We are restricted by law from providing legal advice. Please contact an attorney licensed by the State of Montana, or check state statutes located at the Flathead County Library.

Page Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025